Dr. Engholdt

Dr. Engholdt

Inner Strength Will Get You Thru Anything

"If there's something you know you can do....but your mind keeps throwing up road blocks...just drive right through them!"

My Life As An ER Intern...

This is the story of my life as an Emergency & Critical Care Intern at the Animal Emergency Center. I wanted to start this page as a way for my family and friends to keep in touch with me. I have discovered that for the next year of my life, I will be a slave to this internship...you won't see me and possibly won't hear from me. I apologize already...and that is why I want to give something back to each and every one of you for standing by my side through what may be the toughest year of my life. I don't want to lose any of you...I want you to know what I am going through...I want you to experience it with me...so I have decided to place it all here within these pages. Please let me know what you are all up to...this will help to keep me sane...and it will give me a reason to smile on those days when I find myself locked inside the clinic bathroom cyring!! (yes it does happen...in fact the clinic bathroom is fast becoming my place of calm in the middle of what I like to refer to as Hurricane AEC)

I think about you all and I wonder what you are up to...I wish I could talk to each of you every day...especially on those days when I just need to hear a friendly voice. I want you all to know that without your support I will not make it through this year...so stick with me through the rough times because I think I see some clear skies ahead.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Busy Days at Work

Well I have had some really busy days at work...and still have two more to go...today is Sunday and that means pure chaos at the clinic!! I have seen some interesting cases though...another dog that ate a sewing needle....got that one out with endoscopy also. The other night had an old LARGE black lab come in collapsed, I look at gums - pale white - uh oh I already know what this dog has, palpate abdomen - huge fluid wave, dog is so obese and full of fluid that I can't really palpate anything in the abdomen, talk to owner about my fears of hemangiosarcoma in spleen, bleeding out, etc...we do ultrasound and find gigantic mass on spleen, wife says euthanasia but goes to get husband..who comes in like a pistol saying absolutely that euthanasia is not an option (this is two hours later and meanwhile dog has been bleeding out...)...SO I bolus liters of cystalloids, some colloids, and a unit of blood...knock him out...scrub...and $4500 dollars later head in to surgery at 11PM!!!....Getting through the layers of fat is challenging, finally able to see abdomen and blood starts pouring out as soon as I open the peritoneum...suction on....I locate spleen...gigantic nodular mass - about the size of a softball...it has little bleeds but not huge hemorrhage...hmmmm....go to look at liver...oh shoot...riddled with small masses and then some large nodular masses that are actively hemorrhaging....contact owner...they opt for euthanasia on the table...sad story...but unfortunately this is a bad disease and why a lot of times people don't go for surgery...especially since survival after is still only 5-9months. Had a case last night...8yo male neutered Bernese Mtn Dog...came in with all peripheral lymph nodes enlarged...uh oh...I already have a diagnosis in my mind before I aspirate and plop slide under microscope...yup...sheets of round cells...lymphoma...the story gets more sad...I tell the owner and he breaks down and bawls in the room...then says his wife's father just died of cancer, his father has it, his mother is in the ICU in New Mexico for something and he is going in for surgery on Thursday...WHAM!!!...I felt really small!!...but talked a lot with him, lymphoma fortunately is a cancer that does respond well to chemo and can go into remission...he is all for chemo...so we started him on prednisone...sent out the aspirates for professional pathological review...and he is coming in today to induce with chemo...I hope he responds!!! Had a really cool cat that ended up with an abdominal mass...sad...he is still alive though, doing great, eating as soon as I placed the nasogastric tube (of course - nothing like a therapeutic tube down your nose to make you decide now you want to start eating!! oh well...if he goes to surgery he will need the tube because for sure he won't eat afterwards!!). What else...millions of ultrasounds last night...a couple masses...a couple hyperchondriac owners...but hey...I always joke with the other docs...we are always like "I can't believe that owner is spending all this money when it is hopeless"....but at the end of the day...put apache, cosmo, or webster in that position and I would drop any amount of money even if it meant I got an extra 5 minutes to spend with them...because in those 5 minutes I could hug/kiss/tell them how much I have enjoyed them/thank them for being in my life...so I try to keep that in mind when I talk to owners who just are not ready to let go because in the end...is there ever gonna be a good time to let go?? The answer sadly is no....so we do what we can in the meantime...and when the end comes... cry and mourn but don't forget to smile for the good times too!!

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The Story of the Five Balls

Imagine life is a game in which you are juggling five balls. The balls are called work, family, health, friends, and integrity. And you are keeping all of them in the air. But one day you finally come to understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls - family, health, friends, integrity - are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be irrevocably scuffed, nicked, perhaps even shattered...either way, it will never be the same and may be lost forever. Be careful when life starts to get rough...juggle carefully. And, once you truly understand the lesson of the five balls...you will have the beginnings of balance in your life.