Dr. Engholdt

Dr. Engholdt

Inner Strength Will Get You Thru Anything

"If there's something you know you can do....but your mind keeps throwing up road blocks...just drive right through them!"

My Life As An ER Intern...

This is the story of my life as an Emergency & Critical Care Intern at the Animal Emergency Center. I wanted to start this page as a way for my family and friends to keep in touch with me. I have discovered that for the next year of my life, I will be a slave to this internship...you won't see me and possibly won't hear from me. I apologize already...and that is why I want to give something back to each and every one of you for standing by my side through what may be the toughest year of my life. I don't want to lose any of you...I want you to know what I am going through...I want you to experience it with me...so I have decided to place it all here within these pages. Please let me know what you are all up to...this will help to keep me sane...and it will give me a reason to smile on those days when I find myself locked inside the clinic bathroom cyring!! (yes it does happen...in fact the clinic bathroom is fast becoming my place of calm in the middle of what I like to refer to as Hurricane AEC)

I think about you all and I wonder what you are up to...I wish I could talk to each of you every day...especially on those days when I just need to hear a friendly voice. I want you all to know that without your support I will not make it through this year...so stick with me through the rough times because I think I see some clear skies ahead.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I can't think of a title for this one...

Oh where to start back up again...I have not been writing as much I know I think because my job is getting to me and so ends up not as exciting anymore. But hey...time is slowly coming to an end. I finally got the last July schedule where I see finally in print my last day of July 8 2008. Cannot wait!!! Ok, well I guess I can talk about a few interesting cases I recently saw. It was a referral I saw the other day...came over for anemia but has had nasal congestion for a couple months. So when it came over he was all gurgly and very pale. He was coughing up blood and dripping blood from his nose (epistaxis). So, my thought was something going on in the nose, now is bleeding acutely and causing the anemia. Top differentials: cancer, cancer, cancer, fungal infection, foreign body, cancer. Did I say cancer? So, I got him stabilized, gave him a blood transfusion. The next day he had a CT scan and rhinoscopy procedure....final diagnosis? Yup you guess it...cancer. He went home, probably to pass away as in dogs with nasal tumors, radiation therapy is the top choice - has to be done at UW Madison - of course is wicked expensive...and had very bad side effects on other tissues surrounding the nose (they slough the skin in their mouths=mucositis; their get dry eyes=keratoconjunctivitis sicca; the brain is affected) all of this is because in dogs, we do not yet have the tomotherapy like in humans where you can concentrate the beam on a very small piece of tissue. Sad case. My second case of that same night...a 3 year old (keep in mind the young age) black lab. Has had chronic GI issues for the past month, weight loss, and now she came in flat out, in shock, very dehydrated, pouring liquid bloody diarrhea out of her rear end. I palpate her abdomen and it is very painful and I feel a mass-like lesion mid-abdomen. My first thougth was an intussusception (when one piece of intestine gets sucked into another), cancer was further down on my list. Got her started on fluids and she starts having ventricular tachycardia - converts with lidocaine so I place her on a CRI but she is still throwing fairly consistent VPCs (ventricular premature beats) - is this due to her GI disease or does she now have heart injury as well? Who knows, never got to figure that out...why?...because ultrasound showed a large abdominal mass. We recommend surgery, owners think about it but in the end decide for euthanasia as it is likely not anything good. They allow necropsy so I go ahead and do the autopsy...final? Giant mass encompassing entire root of mesentery and all intestines, then another mass actually surrounding the jejunum (intestine) and obliterating the lumen (opening) - the remainder of the intestine distal to the mass was black...yes, black dead necrotic. Sad...most likely diagnosis....Cancer again. Sad story number two of the night. But at least my next case I saved, for now...it was a ferret that came in non-responsive....checked his glucose and it was only 32----yikes!! So I got him some insta-glucose and rubbed it on his gums and....insta-pet again!! So we hospitalized him on IV fluids with dextrose supplementation. Diagnosis...insulinoma - very common in ferrets - its tumor of the pancreas that secretes insulin thus causing hypoglycemia. In younger ferrets, can sometimes do surgery...usually managed medically with steroids. Anyhow, prognosis is about 6mos to 1 year but still. Ok, that was pretty much my Monday...I have had the last couple days off, luckily did not get called in...now spending my last day off trying not to think about going back!!


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The Story of the Five Balls

Imagine life is a game in which you are juggling five balls. The balls are called work, family, health, friends, and integrity. And you are keeping all of them in the air. But one day you finally come to understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls - family, health, friends, integrity - are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be irrevocably scuffed, nicked, perhaps even shattered...either way, it will never be the same and may be lost forever. Be careful when life starts to get rough...juggle carefully. And, once you truly understand the lesson of the five balls...you will have the beginnings of balance in your life.